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Welcome to The Waterloo Directory of Irish Newspapers and Periodicals:1800-1900, a subject-inclusive, language-inclusive bibliography of
5,800 publications, 7,000 people, 800 issuing bodies, 215 publishing towns, 1250 title pages. Editor John S. North.
Soli Deo Gloria

Sample Title Page

Reproduced by permission, the British Library
Interesting Record: Atlantis, The;

Founded by John Henry Newman. 

"It was intended in part to draw the members of the new Catholic University in Ireland together in a common undertaking, and in part to serve as a show-piece for the attainments of the newly appointed faculty. As a result it was both a general periodical and, especially in the sciences, a learned journal" (Wellesley Index, p.53). 

The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers & Periodicals: 1800 - 1900 Series Three.
Copyright © 2009 North Waterloo Accademic Press